Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cutest Baby Contest

Cutest Baby Contest...

1 - LIKE
Our FB page

Send your baby's photo together with some particulars to our email
We'll post your photo in our FB page
Ask your friends to like our page and like your photo

3 - WIN
Photo with most 'likes' wins a Trunki luggage!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Checklist Barang Essential Baby and Mommy

Hello peeps!

For those yang preparing for the first time ever nak jadi mommies and daddies diva mesti excited habis surveying and buying baby stuff. Mind you, walaupon barangnye sangatlah halus mulus dan tulus ye puan2, tapi ghegenye omaiiii Guccie mmg lah sangat mahal.

So dalam keadaan ekonomi yang x brape diva sangat ni, my advice to you olls is to be smart and reasonable in preparing to sambut your newborn. From my experience with my firstborn, some things may seem important at first, but later nanti you akan terfikir balik “alaaa.. bende ni boleh beli kemudian je. Not that important pon”. Contohnye? Stroller. Later bila baby you dah keluar baru you akan tahu which kind of stroller fits you and your baby best. Ye la, budget wise, size wise, design wise etc. =)

Ok. Nuff said. I hv this list I’ve been storing it in my lappy for ages. Yes, I sangatlah seorang yang suka buat list. Kalau boleh semua benda I nak listkn. Kikiki.. agak psycho disitu. Bukan apa, makes my life easier. I ni jenis big spender walaupon yang dalam purse tu cipot je.. So dengan adanya list mcm ni, I feel safer and much organized ( yes. Control freak in the house -___-“ )

I just listed everything, but later make notes on how many to purchase, when to buy it, where to buy it, etc. alaa.. korang tgk sendiri je la. And feel free to copy them if you feel like it. I x marah. I manis2 je =)

For Mommy

Set berpantang

  • Kain Batik
  • Socks
  • Shirts
  • Minyak panas ( pakai sebelum berbengkung)
  • Tungku
  • Maternity Bra
  • Panties ( kalau boleh pakai yang masa mengandung. Trust me. Trying to be sexy during confinement is NOT a good idea)
  • Breast Pad
  • Pad ( I beli librese y extra long punya. Sangat comfy. And I wont suggest pad untuk lepas bersalin tu. X reliable and x selesa)
  • Towel mandi
  • Tukang urut

Korang scroll lelaju je kn? Ye la.. mane excitingnye barang for mommies. X sexy langsung.. kikiki.. okey, NEXT!

For Baby

1) Clothing

  • Short sleeves & pants - 3 pasang
  • Sleeveless & pants - 3 pasang
  • Baju lobang2 - 3 pasang (berguna kalau baby demam cos masa demam, we’re not suppose to cover our baby. Kalau boleh pakai diapers je. Tapi kesian la plak kan dogol mcm tu je. So pakaikan baju lobang2 ni sangat efficient)
  • Long sleeves & pants - 5 pasang
  • Rompers - 5 pasang
  • Leggings - 1 helai
  • Mittens - 10 pasang
  • Booties/socks - 10 pasang
  • Sapu tangan - 5 helai
  • Bib - n/a
  • Barut - 10 helai
  • Bedung - 8 helai

2) Diapering
  • Newborn diapers - 1 pack (tengok size baby you. If baby you cepat besar, then you wont need newborn size for long. Lepas tu terus skip ke S. So that’s why jangan beli banyak2. 1 pack is enuff for starters)
  • Changing mat - 1 piece

3) Bathing

  • Baby shampoo
  • Baby bath (I beli brand bubchen. Konon2 nak organic coz takut baby I allergic.)
4) Nursering

  • Blanket - 2 helai
  • Set bantal dan tilam - 1 set
  • Kelambu - 1 set

5) Feeding

  • Botol susu
  • Pacifier
  • Milk storage bags/bottle
  • Breast pump (kalau ada budget, belilah electric ones. Lenguh hoii)
  • Cooler bag with ice packs
  • Berus basuh botol
  • Botol warmer ( I guna air panas je. X beli)
  • Sterilizer (rendam dalam air panas je. X beli)
  • Nipple cream
  • Thermos

6) Baby Care/Grooming

  • Baby detergent (I guna brand Baby Organix at first tetapi harganya sgt la x friendly and x wangi pon. Yel ah, sbab organic. So I changed to Tollyjoy. Lebih murah and wangi)
  • Liquid cleanser (brand : pureen. Beli masa warehouse sale pureen sangat berbaloi2)
  • Nail clipper
  • Hair brush
  • Tiny cotton-buds
  • Bedak
  • Baby oil
  • Baby lotion
  • Minyak yu yi/telon
  • Nappy rash cream
  • Nasal respirator
  • Thermometer (beli digital one. Xde brand but works just fine. Beli kt pharmacy rm19.90 je)

7) Miscellaneous

  • Laundry basket
  • Baby bath tub
  • Bakul toiletries
  • Beg baju baby
  • Spray bottle
  • Baby carrier
  • Baby stroller
  • Hanger kecil
  • Penyangkut baju (utk jemur mitten and socks yang halus)
  • Baby cot
  • Rocker
  • Bottler rack
  • Baby wardrobe
  • Tuam/tungku baby

Baby cot/rocker utk Adik sleep in.. it comes with mosquito net. Brand : sweet cherry. beli dekat jusco. harga rm229 if not mistaken.

Thermometer yang sangat berguna. Check temperature my firstborn without fail. 99% accurate. RM 19.90 je. beli dekat pharmacy di Shah Alam.

Fisher Price rocker. Boleh guna from newborn till 4years old. multiple reclining/sitting positions. Sangat berguna during the day. Ye la, when org dtg tgk baby bleh letak dlm rocker ni. Safer esp if visitor y dtg tu bwk kids running around.

Diapers collection. Beli 2 packs newborn and 3 packs size S. ini mmg stock boleh tahan smpai 4-5bulan ni. =)

Liquid cleanser and Baby detergant.

Bakul + baby grooming essentials.

Nursing essentials. Lupa plak nk snap feeding bottle (mine is Avent and Tommee Tippee) plus another breastpump (manual) y I bwk for traveling.

Baby clothing. just a few.. simpan elok2 dlm box lps dh basuh. nampak x botol cinonet tu? itu I beli utk anak I y first tp dia x suke sbb teats kecik kot.. so i nk try hand down to my 2nd child.. kikiki.. jimat..

So, itu saja. Hope this helps. =)
Till then, bye!