Friday, September 20, 2013

Baby Hospital Essential Packs (B-HELP) (Newborn)


B-HELP Boy 1
RM 60 not inclusive of postage
1 Carter's Hooded Blanket + 1 romper + 1 Carter's Mitten + 1 Carter's Sock

B-HELP Boy 2
RM 100 not inclusive of postage
1 Hooded Towel + 1 Napkin + 2 rompers + 2 Wash Cloth + 3 Carter's Mitten + 3 Carter's Socks

B-HELP Girl 1
RM 60 not inclusive of postage
1 Carter's Hooded Blanket + 1 romper + 1 Carter's Mitten + 1 Carter's Sock

B-HELP Girl 2
RM 100 not inclusive of postage
1 Hooded Towel + 1 Napkin + 2 rompers + 2 Wash Cloth + 3 Carter's Mitten + 3 Carter's Socks

Checklist Barang Mommy and Baby ke Hospital

Hello lovely mommies, daddies, and parents-to-be..

Once u (or your wife, if ur a dad, duuuhhhh -_-") dah masuk je 7months aka 28 weeks, nurse kat KK pun will automatically advice u to pack baby's stuff as well as urs n letak simpan rapat dalam bonet kereta. Well, reason is at around 28 weeks, some mommy dah deliver their baby and dengan izin Allah, baby can survive with a little medical support. So, apa lagi, semua mommies pon akan teruja and cepat2 google for a list of what to bring along to the hospital.

Since I pun dah reach 30 weeks (yes, urs truly ni pun preggy jugak :), I pun sama2 kelam kabut jugak blog hopping for a checklist even though this is my 2nd pregnancy (menggelabah kn? muahahaha). Better be safe than sorry. Even though u dah 10kali beranak pun u can never be too sure of anything. So, combining all the info y I dah gather, I made up my own checklist based on my previous experience. Sebab dulu I ingat lagi I pack macam lah I nak stay kt hospital tu sebulan. Segala mak nenek I bawak and my whole room was a mess with my stuff. So I decided this time I nak pack lite2 je..

So enuff said..

Mommy's stuff
1- Buku merah ( sangat penting ye )
2- IC (u and hubby) + salinan sijil nikah ( if ur hubby xde wif u, make sure u hv a copy of his IC ok? )
3- ur handphone + charger/power bank
4- kemeja/blouse yang button depan (2)
5- kain batik/sarung (2)
6- socks (2)
7- sweater (1)
8- maternity pad/regular pad ( I prefer overnight punya. u'll feel much more confident dr maternity pad )
9- nursing bra (3)
10- disposable panties/panties (5)
11- breast pad (3pairs)
12- toiletries
13- selipar
14- towel
15- plastik baju kotor (2)
16- thermos + cup + plate
17- milo 3 in 1 + biskut hup seng + roti
18- minyak panas/pati mustajab
19- pashmina ( optional. I bawak coz senang nk cover my hair if ad org dtg visit or cover up ms I breastfeeding )
20- breastpump (should your baby needed to be separated)

Next, checklist untuk your little munchkin plak :)

--- untuk you bagi kat nurse upon delivery (in goverment hospitals)---
1- napkin/receiving blanket
2- 1 pair of clothing (romper is easiest I rasa. plus its just super adorable. hihih)
3- diaper (1)
4- socks/booties (1)
5- mitten (1)
6- barut (optional)
7- hat (optional)

---other things you should bring along to the hosppital for your baby---
8- more diapers (newborn ye kawan2)
9- more clothes (another 2pairs should do)
10 - more socks/booties and mittens (another 2pairs should do)
11- receiving blanket/napkin (+1)
12- towel (1)
13- toiletries (baby bath + baby shampoo + lotion + nappy rash cream)
14- minyak yu yi/telon
15- baby wipes
16- wash cloth/sapu tangan (2)

optional stuff :
17- barut (optional)
18- extra blanket (optional)
19- newborn pillow (optional)
20- feeding bottle (in case ur baby needs to be separated)
21- liquid cleanser (for basuh bottle)

Ok. Kalau tgk pada list mmg boleh pening.. So here's a little help from 3B.. we'll help you pack! yes! at least for your baby. so half of your problems dah solve kn? baik kan kitorang.. XD


B-HELP Boy 1
1 Carter's Hooded Blanket + 1 romper + 1 Carter's Mitten + 1 Carter's Sock

B-HELP Boy 2
1 Hooded Towel + 1 Napkin + 2 rompers + 2 Wash Cloth + 3 Carter's Mitten + 3 Carter's Socks

B-HELP Girl 1
1 Carter's Hooded Blanket + 1 romper + 1 Carter's Mitten + 1 Carter's Sock

B-HELP Girl 2
1 Hooded Towel + 1 Napkin + 2 rompers + 2 Wash Cloth + 3 Carter's Mitten + 3 Carter's Socks

See.. Baik kan we olls.. =) Yes, the B-HELP tu xla as complete as you must have for your baby's stay.. So here's another guide for u olls.. U just need to add on :

-baby bath, lotion, minyak yu yi
-baby wipes
-barut (optional)
-feeding bottle (optional) 
Ini barang urs truly bawak.. just nak tunjukkn y u dont actually 
need to bring ur hole wardrobe to the hospital. ngeheee =)

For me, I packed B-HELP Boy 1 & 2 and stuff y kt atas tu and letak cute2 dalam Zoo Pack y 3B jual. Yes, muat. And very comel I tell u. Diapers tu of cos la x muat. Jgn ingt I Zoo Pack tu poket Doremon plak ye. Hihih..

And and and.. If u purchase our B-HELP, u can purchase our Zoo Pack for only RM 10! Bonus for u!

Zoo Pack lembu yang berjasa

Call/Text/Comment/Email us for B-HELP's best price.
Happy Shopping!

Zoo Pack

RM 20 per piece
Postage charge please add RM 6 for Semenanjung Malaysia

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Music Baby Walker

Features :
* Learn maths and English
* Detachable 5 note piano keyboard with flashing lights
* Observe different shapes and colors
* Listen to the sweet music
* Help baby access to comprehensive and balanced development in hearing,
seeing , touch , hand-eye coordination and thinking , let baby walk out
the first step of life healthily, bravely and successfully .
* Fun melodies and sound effects
* Batteries required - 3 "AA" (NOT INCLUDED)

Selling Price : RM 145 not inclusive of postage charges 

Apple Learning Quran

Children's Learning Device in the shape of an Apple. 
Holy Quran Machine. A great way for children to learn Duas, surahs from the Quran and prayers.

- 26 Every day Duas
- 16 Surah from the Holy Quran
- How to make Morning Prayer
- 6 Children's Nasheeds
- 4 Kind of Projections

1. 26 Doa Harian :
Doa bangun tidur, doa masuk TANDAS, doa keluar TANDAS , doa mau wudhu, doa pagi hari , doa mau makan, Doa sholat jenazah , doa memakai baju , doa keluar rumah , doa masuk masjid, doa keluar masjid , doa naik kendaraan , doa berjumpa sesama muslim , doa menjenguk orang sakit , doa bersin , doa ketika hujan , doa bercermin , doa masuk kuburan , doa buka puasa , doa mau tidur , doa sore hari , doa masuk rumah , doa ketika dapat musibah dll .

2. 16 Surat Al Qur'an :
Al- Fatihah , Al-'Adiyat , Al -Qori'ah , Al -Takathur , Al-'asr , Al - Humazah , Al - Fill , Quraish , Al- Maun , Al - Kauthar , Al -Kafirun , An -Nasr , Al - Massad , Al- Ikhlas , Al- Falaq , An-Nas .

3. Doa bacaan Sholat :
Kalimah Tauhid , Syahadah , Azan , Doa Solat dari mulai Takbir awal sampai akhir salam .

4. Nasyid anak dalam bahasa Arabic :
Thanks The parents , Love Allah and Love messanger , Ramadhan Is Coming , The Full Mon Rose , The Ceed of the oneness Allah , Alphabet

5 . Boleh dijadikan sebagai lampu tidur dengan proyeksi Bulan dan bintang-Bintang di langit , dengan 3 pilihan warna Merah , Biru dan Hijau .

Requires 3x AAA batteries that is not included

Selling Price : RM 45 not inclusive of postage charges

Learning English Musical Mat

For age : 0-18-year-old
Material : Cotton, ABS
Size : 50 * 70 * 2 CM
Function: Flash, music / vocal

Selling Price : RM 55 not inclusive of postage charges 

Kid Toilet Trainer

Measurement: 82.00×54.00×77.00 CM

* convenient and easy to use toilet trainer which allows your toddler to use the 'big toilet' straight away and bypass the potty stage.

* encourages early independence at the toilet
* Sturdy, safe and comfortable
* Height adjustable feet and step
* Folds compactly for easy storage beside the toilet when not needed
* Less to clean

Selling Price : RM 80 not inclusive of postage charges

Interesting Color Fan

Selling Price : RM 15 not inclusive of postage charges

Baby Carrier

Mothercare 4 Position Baby Carrier

Selling Price : RM 85 not inclusive of postage charges

Baby Bather

Carter's Baby Bather

Selling Price : RM 60 not inclusive of postage charges

Summer Baby Bather

Selling Price : RM 80 not inclusive of postage charges

Goldbug Harness Buddy

Selling Price : RM 65 not inclusive of postage charges

Walking Assistant

Moon Walk Walking Assistant

Mothercare Walking Assistant

Selling Price : RM 25 not inclusive of postage charges

Tikar Evamatic

Code : Alphabet 01

Code : Alphabet 02

Code : Upin Ipin Blue

Code : Upin Ipin Green

Code : Upin Ipin Pink

Code : Superman

Code : Minimalist Black

Code : Minimalist Blue

Code : Minimalist Green

Code : Minimalist Grey

Code : Minimalist Brown

Code : Marine Fish Blue

Code : Marine Fish Pink

Code : Boboi Boy

Code : City Map

Code : Deep Jungle

Code : Ben 10 Blue

Code : Ben 10 Green

Code : Doraemon

Code : Princess Blue

Code : Princess Pink

Code : Princess Green

Why Choose Evamats?
  • Insulate us from cold floors
  • Practical and can be used in various location
  • Attractive designs and vibrant colors
  • Anti smudge surface maintains picture quality for a longer time
  • Safe for family use
  • Easy to clean and durable
  • Decreasing the risk of rheumatism
Selling Price : RM 30 not inclusive of postage charges