Friday, September 20, 2013

Checklist Barang Mommy and Baby ke Hospital

Hello lovely mommies, daddies, and parents-to-be..

Once u (or your wife, if ur a dad, duuuhhhh -_-") dah masuk je 7months aka 28 weeks, nurse kat KK pun will automatically advice u to pack baby's stuff as well as urs n letak simpan rapat dalam bonet kereta. Well, reason is at around 28 weeks, some mommy dah deliver their baby and dengan izin Allah, baby can survive with a little medical support. So, apa lagi, semua mommies pon akan teruja and cepat2 google for a list of what to bring along to the hospital.

Since I pun dah reach 30 weeks (yes, urs truly ni pun preggy jugak :), I pun sama2 kelam kabut jugak blog hopping for a checklist even though this is my 2nd pregnancy (menggelabah kn? muahahaha). Better be safe than sorry. Even though u dah 10kali beranak pun u can never be too sure of anything. So, combining all the info y I dah gather, I made up my own checklist based on my previous experience. Sebab dulu I ingat lagi I pack macam lah I nak stay kt hospital tu sebulan. Segala mak nenek I bawak and my whole room was a mess with my stuff. So I decided this time I nak pack lite2 je..

So enuff said..

Mommy's stuff
1- Buku merah ( sangat penting ye )
2- IC (u and hubby) + salinan sijil nikah ( if ur hubby xde wif u, make sure u hv a copy of his IC ok? )
3- ur handphone + charger/power bank
4- kemeja/blouse yang button depan (2)
5- kain batik/sarung (2)
6- socks (2)
7- sweater (1)
8- maternity pad/regular pad ( I prefer overnight punya. u'll feel much more confident dr maternity pad )
9- nursing bra (3)
10- disposable panties/panties (5)
11- breast pad (3pairs)
12- toiletries
13- selipar
14- towel
15- plastik baju kotor (2)
16- thermos + cup + plate
17- milo 3 in 1 + biskut hup seng + roti
18- minyak panas/pati mustajab
19- pashmina ( optional. I bawak coz senang nk cover my hair if ad org dtg visit or cover up ms I breastfeeding )
20- breastpump (should your baby needed to be separated)

Next, checklist untuk your little munchkin plak :)

--- untuk you bagi kat nurse upon delivery (in goverment hospitals)---
1- napkin/receiving blanket
2- 1 pair of clothing (romper is easiest I rasa. plus its just super adorable. hihih)
3- diaper (1)
4- socks/booties (1)
5- mitten (1)
6- barut (optional)
7- hat (optional)

---other things you should bring along to the hosppital for your baby---
8- more diapers (newborn ye kawan2)
9- more clothes (another 2pairs should do)
10 - more socks/booties and mittens (another 2pairs should do)
11- receiving blanket/napkin (+1)
12- towel (1)
13- toiletries (baby bath + baby shampoo + lotion + nappy rash cream)
14- minyak yu yi/telon
15- baby wipes
16- wash cloth/sapu tangan (2)

optional stuff :
17- barut (optional)
18- extra blanket (optional)
19- newborn pillow (optional)
20- feeding bottle (in case ur baby needs to be separated)
21- liquid cleanser (for basuh bottle)

Ok. Kalau tgk pada list mmg boleh pening.. So here's a little help from 3B.. we'll help you pack! yes! at least for your baby. so half of your problems dah solve kn? baik kan kitorang.. XD


B-HELP Boy 1
1 Carter's Hooded Blanket + 1 romper + 1 Carter's Mitten + 1 Carter's Sock

B-HELP Boy 2
1 Hooded Towel + 1 Napkin + 2 rompers + 2 Wash Cloth + 3 Carter's Mitten + 3 Carter's Socks

B-HELP Girl 1
1 Carter's Hooded Blanket + 1 romper + 1 Carter's Mitten + 1 Carter's Sock

B-HELP Girl 2
1 Hooded Towel + 1 Napkin + 2 rompers + 2 Wash Cloth + 3 Carter's Mitten + 3 Carter's Socks

See.. Baik kan we olls.. =) Yes, the B-HELP tu xla as complete as you must have for your baby's stay.. So here's another guide for u olls.. U just need to add on :

-baby bath, lotion, minyak yu yi
-baby wipes
-barut (optional)
-feeding bottle (optional) 
Ini barang urs truly bawak.. just nak tunjukkn y u dont actually 
need to bring ur hole wardrobe to the hospital. ngeheee =)

For me, I packed B-HELP Boy 1 & 2 and stuff y kt atas tu and letak cute2 dalam Zoo Pack y 3B jual. Yes, muat. And very comel I tell u. Diapers tu of cos la x muat. Jgn ingt I Zoo Pack tu poket Doremon plak ye. Hihih..

And and and.. If u purchase our B-HELP, u can purchase our Zoo Pack for only RM 10! Bonus for u!

Zoo Pack lembu yang berjasa

Call/Text/Comment/Email us for B-HELP's best price.
Happy Shopping!


  1. hi, i think the blog entry is interesting but i hate the font. it made me feel dizzy to continue reading till the end, thus, i decide not to read it further. it's too small and wiggly. perhaps you could change the font into something bigger and easy to read. hope my constructive comment will help to enhance your business. :)

    1. Hi Jane,
      Thanks for your comment, I hope the changes that i made increases your interest to read our blog more.
      Thank you
